seniors opening a gift

2019 ​Holiday Gift Guide for Seniors

There are just a few weeks left in this year’s holiday season – just enough time to snag a little something for the older adults in your life. Getting ​gifts for seniors​ is a lot like getting a present for anyone – taking into account your shared past and their preferences to find the perfect present – but there are a number of ​senior gift ideas​ that could be uniquely useful or heartwarmingly sentimental for your loved one.

Need some ​gift ideas for seniors​ you hold dear? Check out this handy ​holiday gift guide for seniors.

21st Century Toys

There’s a long-running stereotype that says older adults and technology simply don’t mix. But these days, that just isn’t true. In fact, touch screen tech and advancement in user-friendly design are making new products more senior-friendly than ever. These innovative gadgets can be excellent for entertainment and productivity – here are some ​gift ideas for grandparents​ who want to be more tech-savvy.

Smart speakers​, like Amazon’s Echo and the Google Home, are do-it-all assistants your loved one can control with their voice. They can play music, answer questions, help manage schedules, provide as-you-cook recipes, and a whole lot more. And thanks to regular updates and the incredible power of machine learning, these smart speakers will even become better at understanding your loved one’s unique preferences.

Tablets ​have even more functionality than smart speakers or similar devices, but they might be a little too complex for some. If your loved one is a book lover who favors simplicity, you might consider picking up an ​e-Reader​. Simplified user interfaces make them convenient to use, and their long battery life makes them an easy part of any before-bed reading ritual.

Wearable fitness trackers​, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes (most commonly looking like a watch or bracelet), are another good gift. They can encourage your loved one to stay active by tracking their steps and automatically setting achievable goals. Plus, a lot of newer models are quite easy on the eyes and will fit almost anyone’s sense of fashion.

Remember Together

It’s common for seniors to wish they spent more time archiving their lifetime of stories to share with younger generations. So this holiday season, consider giving your loved one a way to record and pass on their experiences.

Autobiographical journals ​are tailor-made for this purpose – and they come complete with questions and prompts meant to spur your loved one’s memory. Both kids and adults can enjoy quizzing older loved ones on a number of topics, from simple things like what they loved doing when they were kids to significant moments in their adult life, including what was happening in the world around them. It’s a fantastic way to foster curiosity and closeness in the whole family.

Use Your Head

What’s more rewarding than an activity that requires you to engage your mind? That’s right – nothing! And that’s without mentioning the many ways creativity and imaginative play can boost your brain’s elasticity, potentially leading to many more years of mental sharpness and full independence.

Jigsaw puzzles, trivia games and brain teasers ​are an enjoyable, relaxing way to spend time, either alone or with company. Even better, completing puzzles actually works to directly stimulate key parts of the brain, reducing both the risk and impact of long-term cognitive decline.

Coloring books ​aren’t just for little kids. Indeed, coloring books made for adults can be a fantastic avenue for mindfulness meditation for people of all ages and abilities. Best of all, they don’t require any special training or skills to master – so even if your loved one doesn’t think they can draw, they can enjoy this.

Arts and music classes​ are truly gifts that keep on giving. There’s no better time than retirement to ignite a passion for the arts – and whether it’s painting, sculpture, cross-stitch or playing the oboe, your loved one will find an infinitely rewarding hobby they’ll cherish for years to come.

The Gift of Community Life

The incredible older adults who live at The Buckingham are a gift and a blessing to our dedicated team – one we try to give back in our daily commitment to service, kindness, openness and care.

Life at a senior living community could be an incredible gift for your whole family. Why? At a ​Life Care community​ like The Buckingham, you won’t just find an unmatched lifestyle for your loved one – you’ll find a place that provides a confident plan for the future, complete with sincere peace of mind.